Project Euler Problem 3 Solution

Project Euler Problem 3 Solution

Largest prime factor

by {BetaProjects} | Project Euler & HackerRank
Difficulty: Easy

Project Euler Problem 3 Statement

The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29.

What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143?


Clipart math tree

A reasonable way to solve this problem is to use trial division to factor an integer, $n$. In this instance, we create a set of possible integer factors, $d$, from the set $\{2\} \cup \{3, 5, 7, 9, 11, \dots, \sqrt{n}\}$ and try to divide $n$.

For all $d$ that divide $n$, we remove $d$ and all its factors. Once our set of factors are exhausted, the remainder becomes the largest prime factor.

Below is a walk–through of this algorithm to show the process of removing factors and leaving the remainder as the largest prime factor of $n$.

Finding the largest prime factor

n = 6435
d = 2
while (d*d <= n):
    if (n % d == 0):
        n //= d
       d += 2 if d>2 else 1  # after 2, consider only odd d
Example: n = 6435
Step  d        d2    n   n%d==0(d divides n)?
  1   2  and   4 ≤ 6435   N: 2 is not a factor of 6435, increment d to 3
  2   3  and   9 ≤ 6435   Y: 3 is a factor of 6435: n=n//3 = 2145
  3   3  and   9 ≤ 2145   Y: 3 is a factor of 2145: n=n//3 = 715
  4   3  and   9 ≤  715   N: 3 is not a factor of 715, increment d to 5
  5   5  and  25 ≤  715   Y: 5 is a factor of 715: n=n//5 = 143
  6   5  and  25 ≤  143   N: 5 is not a factor of 143, increment d to 7
  7   7  and  49 ≤  143   N: 7 is not a factor of 143, increment d to 9
  8   9  and  81 ≤  143   N: 9 is not a factor of 143, increment d to 11
  9  11  and 121 ≤  143   Y 11 is a factor of 143: n=n//11 = 13
 10  11  and 121 >   13: the while loop terminates and 13 is the largest prime factor1
1The while’s conditional, d2n, is checked after executing the loop’s last statement.

If the given number, n, is already prime then n is returned as the largest prime factor, which is nice, because it is, in fact, itself the largest prime factor.

HackerRank version

HackerRank Project Euler 3 runs up to 10 test cases with 10 ≤ N ≤ 1012.

Python Source Code

for _ in range(int(input())):
    N = int(input())
    while N%2==0: N//= 2 
    p = 3
    while (p*p &lt;= N):      
        if (N % p == 0):
            N //= p
            p+= 2
    print(2 if N==1 else N)	

Last Word

Trial division, used here, works well for smaller numbers less than 1021, for larger numbers there are several efficient algorithms available.

A more favorable method for factoring numbers under 100 digits long is the Quadratic sieve. It is a much simpler algorithm to implement compared to others and lends itself to parallelization. Because it is a sieve, large amounts of memory may be required.

Another is Pollard’s Rho algorithm. It’s easy to program and fast for numbers with small factors.

For a practical application of this algorithm see the JavaScript prime factor calculator. It finds all the prime factors of a number.