Project Euler Problem 13 Solution

Project Euler Problem 13 Solution

Large sum

by {BetaProjects} | Project Euler & HackerRank
Difficulty: Easy

Project Euler Problem 13 Statement

Work out the first ten digits of the sum of the following one-hundred 50-digit numbers.

… {data continues}


Summing a set of 50–digit numbers uses Python’s intrinsic arbitrary–precision integers and arithmetic.

N is read first and then N lines are read from input as strings and converted to integers. The integers are summed, and the sum converted to a string and the first 10 characters of the sum are printed.

print(str(sum(int(input()) for _ in range(int(input()))))[:10])	

HackerRank version

HackerRank Project Euler 13 increases the quantity of 50–digit numbers from 100 to 1,000. No changes are required.

Python Source Code

print(str(sum(int(input()) for _ in range(int(input()))))[:10])	

Last Word

I'm fully aware that the intention was to use some Cold War era technology to solve this. I am inherently lazy and this suited me quite well. I'm sure there are other legacy solutions out there that are more clever than this.