Project Euler Problem 39 Statement
If $p$ is the perimeter of a right angle triangle with integral length sides, $\{a, b, c\}$, there are exactly three solutions for $p = 120$.
$\{20,48,52\}$, $\{24,45,51\}$, $\{30,40,50\}$
For which value of $p \le 1000$, is the number of solutions maximised?
HackerRank Project Euler Problem 39 overview:
Given an upper limit \( L \) on the perimeter of right‐angled triangles with integer sides, determine the perimeter \( p \leq L \) that maximizes the number of distinct right‐angled triangles that can be formed.
Solution Summary
The solution precomputes the number of right‐angled triangles for each perimeter up to \(N = 5\,000\,000\) by generating primitive Pythagorean triples using a modified version of Euclid’s formula and updating all their multiples, then builds a prefix maximum array that records the best perimeter (with the most solutions) up to each value, enabling each query for a given \(L\) to be answered in constant time.
Solution Details
1. Initial Settings
The program begins by importing the required modules and setting up an array c
of length
\( N \):
import itertools, math N = 5_000_000 c = [0] * N
- \( N = 5\,000\,000 \) is the limit up to which perimeters will be considered.
is an array wherec[p]
will eventually store the number of different right‐angled triangles that have perimeter \( p \).
2. Generating Pythagorean Triples
Next, the code generates Pythagorean triples using a variation of Euclid’s formula. Recall that the primitive Pythagorean triple can be generated by:
\( a = m^2 - n^2,\quad b = 2mn,\quad c = m^2 + n^2, \) with \( m > n \), \( m \) and \( n \) coprime and of opposite parity.
Their perimeter is:
\( p = a + b + c = 2m(m+n). \)
The program uses a modified parameterization:
for t, s in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(range(1, math.isqrt(N), 2), 2): if math.gcd(s, t) == 1: x = s * (s + t) c[x::x] = [v+1 for v in c[x::x]]
Let's break down this loop:
Iteration Over \( s \) and \( t \):
The loop iterates over pairs \( (t, s) \) where both \( t \) and \( s \) are odd numbers from \( 1 \) up to \( \texttt{math.isqrt(N)} \). Usingitertools.combinations_with_replacement
ensures that \( t \leq s \). This smartly reduces the parameter space. -
Ensuring Primitiveness:
The conditionif math.gcd(s, t) == 1:
guarantees that \( s \) and \( t \) are coprime, ensuring the resulting triple is primitive. -
Calculating \( x \):
The value \( x \) is computed as:
\( x = s(s+t). \)
Note that in Euclid’s formula the full perimeter of a primitive triple is \( 2m(m+n) \). Here, by working with odd numbers for \( s \) and \( t \), we treat \( x \) as half of the full perimeter. -
Incrementing Counts Using Slicing:
The slicing assignment:
c[x::x] = [v+1 for v in c[x::x]]
is equivalent to:
for j in range(x, N, x): c[j] += 1
This loop increments the count for every multiple of \( x \) (i.e. \( x, 2x, 3x, \dots \) up to \( N \)). Since each right-angled triangle (primitive or its multiples) contributes a solution for its perimeter, this effectively counts all solutions.
3. Building the “Best-So-Far” Array
After the counts are in place, the program constructs an array \( r \) such that for each perimeter \( i \),
holds the perimeter \(\leq i\) which has the maximum number of solutions. The code is:
m, a, r = 0, 0, [] for i, v in enumerate(c): if v > m: m, a = v, i r.append(a)
holds the maximum count found so far. -
stores the corresponding perimeter. - The loop goes through all perimeters \( 0 \) to \( N-1 \) and updates \( m \) and \( a \) whenever a new maximum is found. Then, it appends the current best perimeter \( a \) to the array \( r \).
4. Answering the Queries
The final part of the code quickly answers the input queries using the precomputed array \( r \):
for _ in range(int(input())): print(r[int(input())])
For each test case, the program reads an integer \( L \) (the maximum allowed perimeter) and immediately outputs
, which is the perimeter \( \leq L \) having the most right-angled triangle solutions.
HackerRank version
HackerRank Project Euler 39 includes either 1—9 or 1—8 pandigital numbers and has you find the multipliers 100 ≤ N ≤ 105 in ascending order.
Python Source Code
import itertools, math
N = 5_000_000
c = [0]*N
for t,s in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(range(1,math.isqrt(N),2),2):
if math.gcd(s,t)==1:
x = s*(s+t)
c[x::x] = [v+1 for v in c[x::x]]
m, a, r = 0, 0, []
for i,v in enumerate(c):
if v>m: m,a = v,i
for _ in range(int(input())):