Project Euler Problem 44 Solution

Project Euler Problem 44 Solution

Pentagon Numbers

by {BetaProjects} | Project Euler & HackerRank
Difficulty: Easy

Project Euler Problem 44 Statement

Pentagonal numbers are generated by the formula, $P_n=n(3n-1)/2$. The first ten pentagonal numbers are: $$1, 5, 12, 22, 35, 51, 70, 92, 117, 145, \dots$$

It can be seen that $P_4 + P_7 = 22 + 70 = 92 = P_8$. However, their difference, $70 - 22 = 48$, is not pentagonal.

Find the pair of pentagonal numbers, $P_j$ and $P_k$, for which their sum and difference are pentagonal and $D = |P_k - P_j|$ is minimised; what is the value of $D$?


1. Precomputing Pentagonal Numbers

The code starts by computing the first \(10^6\) pentagonal numbers using the formula: $$P(i) = \frac{3i^2 - i}{2}$$ This is done with a list comprehension:

L = 10**6
ps = [(3*i*i - i) // 2 for i in range(1, L+1)]

Here, ps is a list containing the first \(L\) pentagonal numbers, where the \(i\)-th pentagonal number is calculated using the formula.

2. Creating a Set for Fast Lookup

The program converts the list of pentagonal numbers into a set:

px = set(ps)

Storing the pentagonal numbers in a set allows for fast \(O(1)\) membership tests, which is essential for checking if a given number is pentagonal.

3. Reading Input Parameters

The program reads two integers \(N\) and \(K\) from input:

N, K = map(int, input().split())

Here, \(N\) sets an upper bound for the indices of the pentagonal numbers to consider, and \(K\) is the fixed difference in indices between the two numbers in each pair.

4. Iterating Over Candidate Pairs

The code then iterates over candidate pairs of pentagonal numbers:

for n in range(K+1, N):
    if (ps[n] + ps[n-K]) in px or (ps[n] - ps[n-K]) in px:

In this loop:

  • Loop Range: The loop variable \(n\) runs from \(K+1\) to \(N-1\). For each \(n\), the code considers the pair: $$\big(P(n-K),\ P(n)\big)$$
  • Condition Check: The code checks whether the sum or the diffeence of the two pentagonal numbers, $$P(n) + P(n-K)$$ $$P(n) - P(n-K)$$ is in the set \(px\) (i.e., is pentagonal).
  • If either condition is met (using the logical or), the program prints the larger pentagonal number, \(P(n)\).

The use of precomputation and set lookups ensures that these membership tests are fast, which is critical given the potentially large number of checks.

HackerRank version

HackerRank Project Euler 44 wants the sum and difference of a K range of pentagonal numbers.

Python Source Code

L = 10**6
ps = [(3*i*i - i) // 2 for i in range(1, L+1)]
px = set(ps)
N, K = map(int, input().split())

for n in range(K+1, N):
    if (ps[n]+ps[n-K]) in px or (ps[n]-ps[n-K]) in px:

Last Word

The original Project Euler asked for "Find the pair of pentagonal numbers, $P_j$ and $P_k$, for which their sum and difference are pentagonal and $D = |P_k - P_j|$ is minimised; what is the value of $D$?

This always caused confusion. Project Euler only accepts a string as a response to an answer attempt (usually a number). Since there are many pairs found they devised a way to just enter one number. That number was $D$. Just the closest pair which was simply the first pair found as we searched upward. The distance between pairs increases as we continue the search.