Project Euler Problem 64 Solution

Project Euler Problem 64 Solution

Powerful Digit Counts

by {BetaProjects} | Project Euler & HackerRank
Difficulty: Easy

Project Euler Problem 64 Statement

All square roots are periodic when written as continued fractions and can be written in the form:

$\displaystyle \quad \quad \sqrt{N}=a_0+\frac 1 {a_1+\frac 1 {a_2+ \frac 1 {a3+ \dots}}}$

For example, let us consider $\sqrt{23}:$

$\quad \quad \sqrt{23}=4+\sqrt{23}-4=4+\frac 1 {\frac 1 {\sqrt{23}-4}}=4+\frac 1 {1+\frac{\sqrt{23}-3}7}$

If we continue we would get the following expansion:

$\displaystyle \quad \quad \sqrt{23}=4+\frac 1 {1+\frac 1 {3+ \frac 1 {1+\frac 1 {8+ \dots}}}}$

The process can be summarised as follows:

$\quad \quad a_0=4, \frac 1 {\sqrt{23}-4}=\frac {\sqrt{23}+4} 7=1+\frac {\sqrt{23}-3} 7$
$\quad \quad a_1=1, \frac 7 {\sqrt{23}-3}=\frac {7(\sqrt{23}+3)} {14}=3+\frac {\sqrt{23}-3} 2$
$\quad \quad a_2=3, \frac 2 {\sqrt{23}-3}=\frac {2(\sqrt{23}+3)} {14}=1+\frac {\sqrt{23}-4} 7$
$\quad \quad a_3=1, \frac 7 {\sqrt{23}-4}=\frac {7(\sqrt{23}+4)} 7=8+\sqrt{23}-4$
$\quad \quad a_4=8, \frac 1 {\sqrt{23}-4}=\frac {\sqrt{23}+4} 7=1+\frac {\sqrt{23}-3} 7$
$\quad \quad a_5=1, \frac 7 {\sqrt{23}-3}=\frac {7 (\sqrt{23}+3)} {14}=3+\frac {\sqrt{23}-3} 2$
$\quad \quad a_6=3, \frac 2 {\sqrt{23}-3}=\frac {2(\sqrt{23}+3)} {14}=1+\frac {\sqrt{23}-4} 7$
$\quad \quad a_7=1, \frac 7 {\sqrt{23}-4}=\frac {7(\sqrt{23}+4)} {7}=8+\sqrt{23}-4$

It can be seen that the sequence is repeating. For conciseness, we use the notation $\sqrt{23}=[4;(1,3,1,8)]$, to indicate that the block (1,3,1,8) repeats indefinitely.

The first ten continued fraction representations of (irrational) square roots are:

$\quad \quad \sqrt{2}=[1;(2)]$, period=$1$
$\quad \quad \sqrt{3}=[1;(1,2)]$, period=$2$
$\quad \quad \sqrt{5}=[2;(4)]$, period=$1$
$\quad \quad \sqrt{6}=[2;(2,4)]$, period=$2$
$\quad \quad \sqrt{7}=[2;(1,1,1,4)]$, period=$4$
$\quad \quad \sqrt{8}=[2;(1,4)]$, period=$2$
$\quad \quad \sqrt{10}=[3;(6)]$, period=$1$
$\quad \quad \sqrt{11}=[3;(3,6)]$, period=$2$
$\quad \quad \sqrt{12}=[3;(2,6)]$, period=$2$
$\quad \quad \sqrt{13}=[3;(1,1,1,1,6)]$, period=$5$

Exactly four continued fractions, for $N \le 13$, have an odd period.

How many continued fractions for $N \le 10\,000$ have an odd period?


1. Importing the Math Module

The script begins by importing the math module to utilize mathematical functions:

import math
2. Defining the period_length Function

The period_length function calculates the period of the continued fraction for a given \( N \):

def period_length(N):
    r = math.isqrt(N)
    if r * r == N:
        return 0  # N is a perfect square; no periodic continued fraction
    q, k, period = r, N - r * r, 1
    while k > 1:
        r = ((q + r) // k) * k - r
        k = (N - r * r) // k
        period += 1
    return period


3. Processing the Range of Numbers

The script takes an upper limit as input, specifying the range of \( N \) values to evaluate:

limit = int(input("Enter the upper limit: "))
print(sum(period_length(n) & 1 for n in range(2, limit + 1)))
4. Counting Odd Periods and Printing Results

For each \( n \), period_length(n) & 1 checks if the period is odd:

HackerRank version

HackerRank Project Euler 64: How many continued fractions for $x ≤ N$, (10 ≤ N ≤ 30000) have an odd period?

Python Source Code

import math

def period_length(N):
    r = math.isqrt(N)
    if r * r == N:
        return 0
    q, k, period = r, N - r * r, 1
    while k > 1:
        r = ((q + r) // k) * k - r
        k = (N - r * r) // k
        period += 1
    return period

N = int(input())
print(sum(period_length(N) & 1 for N in range(2, N + 1)))