Project Euler Problem 85 Solution

Project Euler Problem 85 Solution

Counting Rectangles

by {BetaProjects} | Project Euler & HackerRank
Difficulty: Medium

Project Euler Problem 85 Statement

By counting carefully it can be seen that a rectangular grid measuring $3$ by $2$ contains eighteen rectangles:

Project Euler Problem 85

Although there exists no rectangular grid that contains exactly two million rectangles, find the area of the grid with the nearest solution.


We are going to find an n × m grid such that the number of sub-rectangles is as close as possible to a given target. Once we find such dimensions, we return the grid's area n × m.

Recall that the number of sub-rectangles in an n × m grid is $$T_n \times T_m = \frac{n(n+1)}{2} \times \frac{m(m+1)}{2}.$$

1. Precomputing Triangular Numbers

import bisect, itertools
tn = list(itertools.accumulate(range(1, 2001)))

2. The closest_area() Function

def closest_area(target):
    left, right = 0, bisect.bisect_left(tn, target)
    best_area, min_diff = 0, float('inf')
    while left <= right:
        count = tn[left] * tn[right]
        diff = abs(count - target)
        area = (left + 1) * (right + 1)

        if diff < min_diff or (diff == min_diff and area > best_area):
            best_area, min_diff = area, diff

        if count > target:
            right -= 1
            left += 1

    return best_area
  1. Initialization:
    left = 0 and right = bisect.bisect_left(tn, target). This sets the initial boundaries for our two-pointer search in the list of triangular numbers. We also track the best candidate with best_area = 0 and min_diff = float('inf').
  2. Two-Pointer Search:
    Naively checking all pairs m and n could be slow. By using a two-pointer method on a sorted array of triangular numbers, we can more efficiently zero in on products that are close to target.

    • If the product is too large, move the right pointer left.
    • If the product is too small or just right, move the left pointer right.
    • As we move the pointers, we keep track of the smallest difference from target. In case of a tie, we prefer the grid with the larger area.
    In each iteration:
    • count = tn[left] * tn[right] computes $$\frac{(left+1)(left+2)}{2} \times \frac{(right+1)(right+2)}{2}.$$
    • diff = abs(count - target) measures how close this product is to target.
    • area = (left + 1) * (right + 1) is the actual area $(m\times n)$ of the candidate grid.
    • We update best_area if this difference diff is the smallest so far (or if it ties for smallest, but yields a larger area):
      if diff < min_diff or (diff == min_diff and area > best_area):
          best_area, min_diff = area, diff
    • If count > target, we move right -= 1 to try reducing the product. Otherwise, left += 1 to try increasing the product.
  3. Result:
    When left <= right is no longer true, we exit the loop and return best_area, which is the area of the grid whose sub-rectangle count is closest to target.

HackerRank version

HackerRank Project Euler 85: For each testcase an integer target would be given . Consider all the rectangular grids such that the number of rectangles contained in the grid is nearest to target . Out of all such rectangular grids output the area of the rectangular grid having the largest area.

Python Source Code

import bisect, itertools
tn = list(itertools.accumulate(range(1, 2001)))

def closest_area(target):
    left, right = 0, bisect.bisect_left(tn, target)
    best_area, min_diff = 0, float('inf')
    while left <= right:
        count = tn[left] * tn[right]
        diff = abs(count - target)
        area = (left + 1) * (right + 1)
        if diff < min_diff or (diff == min_diff and area > best_area):
            best_area, min_diff = area, diff
        if count > target: right-= 1
        else: left+= 1
    return best_area

for _ in range(int(input())):